Projects To Save Mother Nature

Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty

  A consortium of academics, attorneys, and activists formally launched the fossil fuel non-proliferation treaty (FFNPT) idea in September. It is based on the landmark UN Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, which was signed in the 1960s and is based on the same three pillars: non-proliferation, disarmament, and peaceful use of nuclear weapons.

  The fossil fuel pact would ban new exploration and production, phase down current stockpiles, speed up the transfer of renewable energy to poorer countries, ensure a just transition for workers and communities, and help countries still reliant on fossil fuels diversify their economies.

Mother Earth Sculpture Murals Worldwide

Mother Earth Sculpture Environmental Murals are now being created in communities all over the world, sending a powerful and visible message that multiple system improvements are required for our planet to be sustainable and thrive

Activating Sustainability Worldwide

Project for mother earth

  Is a community-based initiative that urges individuals all over the world to commit to sustainable actions and SDGs, which are daily acts of conserving and protecting our planet. MEP encourages schools, communities, and climate strikers to produce Parachutes For The Planet®, circular works of art that are a metaphor for bringing the planet back to a safe place, using art as a catalyst for bringing people together.

Ways To Save Our Mother Nature

 Plant a Tree 


 Trees are able to provide both food and oxygen, so planting one can help keep the air clean and supply your family with some of your favorite fruit. 

   5 reasons why we need trees for a healthy planet :

  1. Purifies our air and combat climate change.

  2. Trees provide housing to millions of species that protect us from disease.

  3. Trees cool our streets and cities.

  4. Trees protect against floods and water pollution. 

  5. Trees ease the mind during stressful times.


  Do recycle


 There are many reasons why recycling is essential. Not only can it help reduce your carbon footprint, but it also helps reduce the need for harvesting raw materials, saves energy, reduces greenhouse gases, prevents pollution, and more.

By improving our recycling habits, we can help keep the environment clean and preserve our natural resources.

      Use reusable shopping bags

  Plastic bags are not environmentally friendly, so people should consider using a reusable shopping bag, so they do not have to keep using and throwing away plastic bags.

          Use non-toxic chemicals

    Toxic chemicals are harmful to oceans and the animals that inhabit them. By switching to non-toxic chemicals, waterways and animals will be less affected. 



      Do compost

   Composting is easy and helps save space in landfills every year. It also makes a fertilizer that is great for your garden, lawn and plants. Composting add nutrients and fosters the growth of beneficial microorganisms, insects and earthworms. It also helps to minimize wind and water erosion both by holding onto moisture in the soil and by encouraging healthy root growth. 

  Unplug electronics that aren’t used often

        When things are plugged in, they are still using energy. Unplug them when you are not using them and save on energy.

Conserve  water 


 Conserving water saves energy.

Energy is needed to filter, heat and pump water to your home, so reducing your water use also reduces your carbon footprint. Using less water keeps more in our ecosystems and helps to keep wetland habitats topped up for animals like otters, water voles, herons and fish.